Operational Risk Management Tools


 How to use operational risk management tools to enhance your business performance?

Operational Risk Management ( ORM ) is the process of identifying, evaluating, monitoring and controlling the risks posed by the implementation of business activities. These risks may include human errors, system failures, fraud, natural disasters, cybersecurity and more. Operational risks can have a negative impact on the quality, performance and profit of your business, as well as your reputation and customer satisfaction.

 To effectively handle operational hazards, you need to use various tools and techniques that can help you:

 Collect and analyze data from various sources to identify potential operational hazards

Evaluate the possibilities and effects of each risk and prioritize them according to your risk appetite and tolerance

Implement appropriate measures to prevent, reduce or transfer hazards that are unacceptable or exceed your risk capability

Monitor and measure the performance and effectiveness of your risk controls and report on your risk exposure and status

Operational Risk Management Tools

Review and improve your risk management process and outcomes on a regular basis

What can you use in some of the operational risk management tools?

There are many operational risk management tools available in the market that can help you in various aspects of your ORM process. The most common thing is:

 Risk Register:

Risk Register is a document that lists all identified operational hazards, their causes, outcomes, owners, controls, ratings and measures. It acts as a central repository of information and communication tool for all stakeholders involved in ORM. A risk register can help you track and manage your operational risks throughout your life.

Root Cause Analysis:

 Root Cause Analysis is a technique that helps you identify the underlying factors or causes that cause an operational risk event or problem. This includes asking a series of questions “ why ” until you reach the main risk problem or source. Root Case Analysis can help you prevent recurrence of similar events and improve your process and control.

SWOT Analysis:

SWOT Analysis is a tool that helps you assess the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and risks related to your business work. This includes a list of internal and external factors that can affect your performance positively or negatively. SWOT analysis can help you identify your competitive advantages and disadvantages, as well as potential areas of improvement or growth.

Risk Assessment Template:

The Risk Assessment Template is a standard format or structure that helps you make a permanent and comprehensive risk assessment for your business tasks. This usually includes elements such as risk categories, standards, scales, methods, sources, etc. The Risk Assessment Template can help you save time and resources as well as ensure the quality and comparison of your risk assessment.

Probability and effect matrix:

A possibility and impact matrix is a device that helps you prioritize your operational risks based on their occurrence and impact intensity Is. This includes planning your risks on the grid with two axes: probability ( Minimum ) and effect ( Minimum ). Matrix can help you focus on the most important threats that require immediate attention or action.

Risk Data Quality Assessment:

Risk Data Quality Assessment is a tool that gives you the accuracy, complete, timely, timely, accuracy of your operational risk data ، Helps to estimate compatibility and consistency. This includes the application of various different standards and metrics to measure the quality of your data sources, collection methods, analysis techniques, etc. Risk data quality assessment can help you improve the reliability and authenticity of your risk information and decisions.


Brainstorm is a technique that helps you create ideas or solutions for your operational risk issues or challenges. This includes bringing together a group of people with diverse perspectives and skills and encouraging them to share their ideas freely and creatively. Brainstorms can help you find different possibilities and alternatives for your ORM process.

How to choose the right operational risk management tools for your business?

There is no solution that fits the same size for ORM tools. The best tools in your business will depend on different factors such as:

 Your business goals, strategies and culture

Your operational risk profile, hunger and tolerance

Your regulatory requirements

Your available resources, budgets and times

Your preferences, expectations and feedback

To choose the right ORM tools for your business, you should:

 Explain your ORM goals and scope

Identify your key stakeholders and their roles and responsibilities

Analyze space to determine ORM's own current and desired condition

Research and compare different ORM tools and their features, advantages and disadvantages

Choose appropriate ORM tools based on your standards and preferences

Check and implement selected ORM tools and monitor their performance and results

Review and update the ORM tools needed to adapt to changes in your business environment

To conclude

Operational risk management tools are essential for any business that wants to improve its operational performance and flexibility. They can help you identify, evaluate, monitor and control your operational risks in a systematic and efficient manner. By using the correct ORM tools for your business, you can:

 Enhancing the satisfaction and loyalty of your customers by providing high quality and reliable services

Increase your operational performance and productivity by reducing errors, waste and re-work

Protect the value of your shareholders and the brand's reputation by avoiding fines, litigation and loss of credibility

Promote a culture of risk awareness and accountability by empowering your employees to identify and report risks

Innovate and develop by activating new products, services and business models

If you need to help you select or implement the best ORM tools for your business, you can contact us for free consultation. We are a team of experienced ORM professionals who can help you with your ORM needs. We can provide you with customized solutions that are in line with your business goals, strategies and culture. Contact us today for more information.

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